bridezilla tendencies

Monogram and invitation
September 6, 2011, 10:18 pm
Filed under: DIY, Invitation | Tags: , ,

One of my biggest dilemmas right now is STILL our invites. We’ve already decided to DIY the invites and we’ve already bought the paper from the Philippines (it was hand carried by our friend when he went back to PI). I’ve started doing layouts for the monogram and came up with 14 different variations of the designs LOL! I’ve actually decided to focus the design for the monograms and invites on the “elementary school” writing paper (the blue and red lines but subdued to a color to match our motif). I also tried to make the design to be a bit quirky, casual chic and at the same time elegant.

These are the 4 monograms that made it to the cut. We are going to use the last one (that is if I am not going to change my mind haha!). These are very rough samples though, I haven’t really polished them since we’re still on designing stage.

I have trouble thinking of a design for the invites so I just focused on the simple elementary school paper lines and mixed it with a little typography. I’ve asked my husband to print 1 set at their site office so I could check if the sizes are correct and if the fonts are too small or too big. Here’s a very very rough prototype of our invites. I have yet to make the invitation sleeve with belt/string.

The small detail that I like about our invites are the eyelets LOL! I actually thought of buying an eyelet puncher which would probably cost a bomb here in Singapore since I thought it was the only way to place an eyelet but I was so wrong! We chanced upon this eyelet hammer set at Daiso for $2 and it was the best purchase ever! I’m a happy DIYer! I’m keeping my fingers crossed! It ain’t easy cutting the paper!